Excellent work, and a very nice tug at the nostalgic heart strings. Especially for Ashelin. Well done Scrabble/
Excellent work, and a very nice tug at the nostalgic heart strings. Especially for Ashelin. Well done Scrabble/
Thanks Doc! i knew u would appreciate Ashelin one !
Tracer butt FTW!
Thanks again for the belated birthday gift.
This right here is definitively some of my favorite work you've drawn thus far, Cactus. Same with the rest of your Garnet art, really. Nicely done through and through.
This right here might as well be the closest to some grade-A lewdness that I've seen from you. Nicely done on this implicit buttjob, RavenRavenRaven.
If it involves either Hilda, Wicke, or in this case Melony, then I am definitely ready.
You know, if there's anything who can instantly sell me on combining a 90's visual aesthetic and the perfection that is Dubmare's booty, it'd definitely be this piece right there.
This right here is legit one of my favorites of your work Myth. You draw some quality Miko booty, man.
Iroha booty at its finest. Superbly done.
thanks man ^^
Yep. You certainly still draw some of the absolute best Renamon butts around. Superbly done as per usual Sligar.
27-yo. artist/writer w. Asperger's who sketches lewd drawings and other cool stuff too. Mostly NSFW. All characters depicted 18+ yo. Banner by yours truly.
Age 28, Male
Joined on 12/3/18